“It’s easy to develop a strategy when you come from the place of heart because that’s where the magic happens”
The essence of you.
How business is done really matters to you and you have for some time, perhaps even some years, felt that the traditional way of doing business is not the way that you want to do business – that’s part of being a conscious leader. You have no truck with those who don’t put people and values at the heart of what they do. You may have even walked away from business opportunities or people where this could be compromised.
You invest in the people in the business, I refer to this as being a people philanthropist, and want them to succeed, develop their skills and talents and achieve their own personal and business goals as much as wanting the business to achieve its goals.

All this is at the very core of the business and the essence of you.
You know that by doing business in a different way you can add so much more value to your clients and customers and so are finding ways to change their perception about the services and products that you deliver and how to leverage them to make their own businesses better.
Within your sector you may see different and better ways of serving clients and have some ideas of how to break down the barriers and perceptions to making these changes. But whilst you’ve thought about it, you probably haven’t yet take any active steps to start making this happen.
And that may not be the only you’ve been thinking about but haven’t moved forward and so having an independent person to work with will give you the opportunity and the impetus to take action.

You are likely to have been in running your business or been a leader in large organisation for about 10 years.

Your business is probably in the professional services or service industry sector and you may well have had a career in that sector before you set up your own business or took on a board/senior role.

The business is doing well but it no longer excites you and feels a little stagnant and so you have a feeling that there’s something more for you and or the business.
It can be lonely at the top and even lonelier when it’s your own business.
You can’t really share everything that’s going on or how you feel with peers, colleagues and other team members and you don’t want to keep taking it home with you – it can be lonely at the top and even lonelier when it’s your own business. And so you would value an external ear or even shoulder who’s independent of your business.
Talking to business owners and leaders, most had a long term vision, but life has got in the way, and they haven’t achieved it yet or they feel that it’s too far away in the future and unattainable. And now they don’t really have the headspace or thinking time for that vision and so working with an executive coach and mentor would help them to reconnect with the vision and turn it into reality – and that’s what I’ve achieved with many clients.
Many of the people that I’ve worked with have admitted they are on occasion bored in and with the business as it doesn’t give them the stretching challenge it used to and so they have become disengaged or disconnected at times and it isn’t how they want to feel. They want their passion, joy, and drive back in the business and for the business and in their business life. And sadly, the last couple of years has exacerbated this.

All or some of the things I’ve described may resonate with you, it may even be an uncomfortable truth to it written down in this way. And so feel that reaching out to connect and work with me is an admission of many things. But in your heart of hearts, you know it’s absolutely the right and the best things to do for you and the business. So why not book yourself an introductory unlocking conversation now?
Or if you are ready to commit to working with me then send me a message or call and we can discuss which option would be best for you – working on a one to one basis or joining my peer led mastermind group with one to one coaching. Just do it.

Small businesses

Larger businesses and corporates

Family run businesses

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